Sterling Integrator Installation problem
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Splunk and Sterling Integrator Integration
Splunk Installation
rpm -i --prefix=/mnt/splunk2 splunk-8.2.2-87344edfcdb4-linux-2.6-x86_64.rpm
./splunk start --accept-license
Create the admin user - splunkadmin
Splunk DB Connect Manual Configuration
You can also install DB Connect by copying its directory into your Splunk Enterprise apps directory:
Download Splunk DB Connect and save it to a temporary location that you can access from your Splunk Enterprise instance.
Un-tar the download.
Move the splunk_app_db_connect directory into $SPLUNK_HOME/etc/apps.
Restart Splunk Enterprise (./mnt/splunk2/splunk/bin/splunk stop and then ./mnt/splunk2/splunk/bin/splunk start)
After you navigate to the Splunk DB Connect app, You may get "Cannot communicate with task server, please check your settings"
Setup the JRE Installation Path(JAVA_HOME) in the UI -
Check If java is install by issuing java -version command. If not installed, download the latest tar.gz (jdk-8u202-linux-i586.tar.gz) package from Oracle java.
tar zxvf jdk-8u202-linux-i586.tar.gz
Change the permissions if required - chown -R root:root jdk1.8.0_202
Navigate to the JRE, notedown the path and enter it in the UI - /mnt/jdk1.8.0_202/jre
Download the corresponding driver. Here it is DB2.
Untar the file to see the folder - jdbc_sqlj
Copy or move the db2jcc4.jar file to the $SPLUNK_HOME/etc/apps/splunk_app_db_connect/drivers directory
Uninstall Splunk
rpm -qa | grep -i splunk
Then put the command rpm -e above_command_result
Example : rpm -e splunkforwarder-6.3.2-aaff59bb082c.x86_64
Splunk Data Retreival from database
Create a read only user on the database and record the identity credentials.
Navigate to Splunk UI->apps->splunk_app_db_connect->Configuration->Identities. Create the identity using the identity credentails of the read only user
Create the Connection
On the Data Lab -> Retrieve the data. Use cron expressions for Execution Frequency like for every 2 minutes polling - */2 * * * *
Splunk Reports and Dashboards
To get the users created
index="edi" source="YFS_PERSON_INFO" sourcetype="database" | transaction LAST_NAME, CREATETS, MODIFYTS | table FIRSTNAME, LAST_NAME, EMAILID, DEPARTMENT, CREATETS, MODIFYTS | sort by CREATETS desc