Friday, January 16, 2015

Sterling Integrator 5.1 GPM does not start

Hi All,

Recently, One of my friend installed Sterling Integrator 5.1 on Windows 2008 R2 server. The installation went well and it took almost 20 minutes.

After the installation, accessed the dashboard on the port 15000 (http://localhost:15000) with default username admin and password as password. He wanted to run GPM. So, navigated to Business Process module and clicked on Manager and then clicked on Run Graphical Process Modeler - Go button.

He do not remember exact words in the exception but it sounds more of like below.

The first exceptiont is "You are seeing this message because either Java 5 is not installed on your system or, you are using older version of Java web start. Please download the java 1.5 from". 

I was surprised to see this message because JRE 1.6 is already running on my server. SI 5.1 requires JDK 1.6.0_14. So when we install JDK it also installs JRE then why the above exception occurred. 

The reason behind is Java Web Start is not running even though we installed JDK and JRE.

Go to the installed JDK folder (something like C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_14\bin) and find javaws.exe file. Run this file as an administrator. When you run this file it prompts with pop-up that shows the options and parameters to supply. 

After that he went back to the SI dashboard and click on "Run Graphical Process Modeler - Go button"

He got an exception - "unable to launch GPM". When I see the details, it is trying to connect to and download  through the JNLP file.

To let JNLP know where my Java WS is running, I opened the command prompt as an administrator.

Navigated to JDK bin folder to run Java WS with arguments. 

Command entered is: javaws -offline requiredjnlpfile

like this:  javaws -offline C:\SI51\install\noapp\deploy\gbm\webapp\pmodeler\ProcessModeler.jnlp

Now GPM is started successfully.

Note: The environment I dealt with is Windows 2008 R2, Oracle 10.1. version, 64 bit OS, SI 5.1, JRE 1.6.0_14.

For any questions:

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